Oracle HCM Cloud DigiBook

Empowering HR to Add Value
in Professional Services

Using technology to build a world-class team


Professional services is big business—and getting bigger by the day. Driven by a 5.4 percent annual growth rate, revenue in the industry will approach US$5 trillion worldwide by 2020.1 That’s good news for millions of knowledge workers and support staff who depend on services firms for their livelihoods.

Clients expect higher-quality services, delivered faster, at lower cost. Competitors engage in talent poaching, trying to lure away their rivals’ top performers by offering outsized compensation, extravagant perks, and fast tracks to partnership. Add in the difficulty of finding and retaining highly specialized talent, and it’s no wonder executives are stressed. In one recent survey, 63 percent of professional services executives stated that it’s getting harder to operate a services business, up 11 percent in a single year. 2

Recruiters must aggressively compete for qualified candidates who can fill revenue-generating and support staff positions. It’s critical to integrate new hires into the culture quickly so they can begin billing their time to clients. Succession planning, performance reviews, and other core HR activities require flawless execution because they contribute to morale, loyalty—and the bottom line.

With so much at stake, firms must invest in HR technology. A cloud-based system enables a unified approach to recruiting, retaining, and managing talent. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality will recast traditional HR activities. For example, virtual assistants based on AI are already handling routine HR interactions with employees.


% of Executives that State Client Expectations Are Increasing

  • Quality of work51%
  • Speed of delivery50%
  • Cost of work48%
  • Transparency37%
  • Accountability37%

Areas in Which Client Expectations Are Increasing

This guide looks at the role of human resources in professional services firms, offering insight and recommendations on these topics:

Building credibility for human resources as a value-add
Staffing talent in a chaotic labor market
Keeping top performers in the fold
Developing an aggressive action plan

Who will find this ebook useful?

  • Chief human resources officers and HR executives in professional services firms
  • Partners and other equity owners
  1. Jan Bultinck, “4 Trends Spotted as an Outlook on 2018 That Will Transform Professional Services Organizations,” LinkedIn, January 2018.
  2. “Three Major Trends Disrupting the Professional Services Industry,”, March 2018.